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Paroles (9782070367627)

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Product details

  • Paperback | 253 pages
  • 106.68 x 175.26 x 17.78mm | 158.76g
  • Paris, France, France
  • French
  • New edition
  • New edition
  • 2070367622
  • 9782070367627
  • 11,168

Download Paroles (9782070367627).pdf, available at secure.drbook.co for free.


Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Techniques : Master practical aspects of the Linux command line and then use it as a part of the shell scripting process (9781800205192)

Practical and actionable recipes for using shell and command-line scripting on your Linux OS with confidence

Key Features

Learn how to use the command line and write and debug Linux Shell scripts
Automate complex repetitive tasks and backups, and learn networking and security
A practical approach to system administration, and virtual machine and software management

Book DescriptionLinux Command Line and Shell Scripting Techniques begins by taking you through the basics of the shell and command-line utilities. You'll start by exploring shell commands for file, directory, service, package, and process management. Next, you'll learn about networking - network, firewall and DNS client configuration, ssh, scp, rsync, and vsftpd, as well as some network troubleshooting tools.

You'll also focus on using the command line to find and manipulate text content, via commands such as cut, egrep, and sed. As you progress, you'll learn how to use shell scripting. You'll understand the basics - input and output, along with various programming concepts such as loops, variables, arguments, functions, and arrays. Later, you'll learn about shell script interaction and troubleshooting, before covering a wide range of examples of complete shell scripts, varying from network and firewall configuration, through to backup and concepts for creating live environments. This includes examples of performing scripted virtual machine installation and administration, LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) stack provisioning and bulk user creation for testing environments.

By the end of this Linux book, you'll have gained the knowledge and confidence you need to use shell and command-line scripts.

What you will learn

Get an introduction to the command line, text editors, and shell scripting
Focus on regular expressions, file handling, and automating complex tasks
Automate common administrative tasks
Become well-versed with networking and system security scripting
Get to grips with repository management and network-based file synchronization
Use loops, arguments, functions, and arrays for task automation

Who this book is forThis book is for anyone looking to learn about Linux administration via CLI and scripting. Those with no Linux command-line interface (CLI) experience will benefit from it by learning from scratch. More experienced Linux administrators or engineers will also find this book useful, as it will help them organize their knowledge, fill in any gaps, and work efficiently with shell scripts to increase productivity.

Product details

  • Paperback | 552 pages
  • 75 x 93 x 28.45mm | 938.94g
  • Birmingham, United Kingdom
  • English
  • 1800205198
  • 9781800205192

Download Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Techniques : Master practical aspects of the Linux command line and then use it as a part of the shell scripting process (9781800205192).pdf, available at ebook.drbook.co for free.


Made by yourself : Individuelle Möbel und stylishe Designobjekte. Ideen, Materialien, Anleitungen zum Selbermachen (342103866X)

100 % handmade

Die neue Lust am Selbstgemachten

DIY liegt im Trend, Handgemachtes garantiert Individualität und Nachhaltigkeit - und ist gerade deshalb wieder so gefragt. Alle Ideen - Möbel, Designobjekte und kleinere Deko-Ideen -sind 100% individuell, mitunter verblüffend sowie leicht und mit Spaß umzusetzen: Dies garantieren Step-by-Step-Anleitungen, Skizzen und Schnittmuster. Die vielfältigen Werkstoffe - ob Stein, Holz, Papier/Karton, Glas/Porzellan, Metall, Kunststoff, Textil oder Leder - sowie die fantasievollen Inszenierungen der Ideen in ihrem räumlichen Umfeld machen das Buch zu einem gleichermaßen praktischen wie atmosphärischen Ideenbuch auf gestalterisch höchstem Niveau. Das neue Lieblingsbuch für Trendsetter und Design-Begeisterte sowie alle kreativ Wohnenden mit Anspruch!

- Trendthema Selbermachen, aber mit Anspruch
- 48 individuelle Objekte vom Style-Profi
- Mit Step-by-Step-Anleitungen und atmosphärischen Raumfotos

Product details

  • Hardback | 144 pages
  • 177 x 246 x 23mm | 718g
  • German
  • Mit 150 Farbabbildungen
  • 9783421038661
  • 2,757,588

Download Made by yourself : Individuelle Möbel und stylishe Designobjekte. Ideen, Materialien, Anleitungen zum Selbermachen (342103866X).pdf, available at secure.drbook.co for free.


Before you go - Jeder letzte Tag mit dir (373410369X)

Diese Geschichte beginnt mit einem Ende, aber dieses Ende ist erst der Anfang ...

Zoe und Ed sind ein Traumpaar, doch im Laufe der Jahre ist ihre Beziehung ins Wanken geraten. Nach einer ihrer häufigen Auseinandersetzungen geschieht das Unfassbare: Ed stirbt bei einem Unfall. Zoe glaubt, an ihrem Schmerz zu zerbrechen. Wieso hat sie Ed an diesem Morgen nicht mehr gesagt, wie sehr sie ihn liebt? Nachdem sie wenig später schwer stürzt, erwacht sie in einer Version ihres Lebens, in der Ed noch am Leben ist und sich die beiden gerade erst kennenlernen. Fortan hat Zoe die Chance, ihr gemeinsames Leben zu verändern. Bis der Tag von Eds Unfall unaufhaltsam näher rückt ...

Product details

  • Paperback | 381 pages
  • 125 x 185 x 35mm | 335g
  • German
  • 9783734103698

Download Before you go - Jeder letzte Tag mit dir (373410369X).pdf, available at secure.drbook.co for free.


War for Your Worldview : What Every American Needs to Know in the Age of Fake News, Social Engineering, and Mind-Controlling Propaganda (9781480876910)

"War for Your Worldview" is based on the insights gained through twenty years of the author's intense investigative research. Although a great deal has been written in recent years about globalism and the infamous New World Order, much of it provides only scant evidence along with endless conjecture, requiring readers to take giant leaps of faith. This book, however, is different. Corder disregards folklore and presents only the shocking, incontrovertible evidence that proves the existence of the Deep State, showcases the corruption that controls our news and entertainment media, and exposes the elite cabal's insidious, century-long plot to undermine the founding principles of The United States of America.

Every citizen should be aware of the facts related to how our education system and our media sources have been hijacked to dumb down our population, how the climate change narrative has been forced into our collective consciousness to guilt and shame us into bankruptcy, and how our jobs and industries have been outsourced to destroy our economic well-being. Corder reviews the work of several credentialed "whistle-blowers" who have blown the doors off of the covert operations intended to erode our values and ultimately topple our civilization. He also demonstrates how social engineers have used our most noble qualities against us in their effort to bring about our destruction. The key players are identified by name and concrete examples are provided of their undeniably sinister intentions and egregious acts against our Republic.

Learn how divisive rhetoric and emotionally charged propaganda are presenting direct threats to our civil liberties, and how blatant attacks on patriotism, Christianity, and the US Constitution are erasing our national identity. Discover how deadly drugs, mass immigration, and socialist policies are all being promoted to weaken us as a nation-to destroy our people by bringing chaos and disorder to our lives and our communities. You won't get these explosive truths from the mainstream media, or anywhere else!

There's a war being fought for our collective worldview. The weaponry that's being employed against us is the manipulation of our minds. The stakes are high. The attacks are real. The casualties are real. Know how to fight back-for freedom, for liberty, and for the way of life that we all cherish as Americans.

Product details

  • Hardback | 228 pages
  • 152 x 229 x 18mm | 490g
  • English
  • 1480876917
  • 9781480876910

Download War for Your Worldview : What Every American Needs to Know in the Age of Fake News, Social Engineering, and Mind-Controlling Propaganda (9781480876910).pdf, available at secure.drbook.co for free.
